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I'm a granny again...

I'm a granny again... - we should care about the technology that continues to grow, because all the technology is usually created to simplify our lives, every time there is a new technology that is embedded into the gadgets of various brands, on blogs Gadget Ferrari we will review the latest and old gadgets that start from the spec and the price ... well now we will discuss first about I'm a granny again... please refer to the information we will convey as we always try to display complete information.

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I'm a granny again...

This is what my bedroom floor looks like at this time.

I'm at it again.

Because I am an afghan making addict. /2010/11/in-case-you-ever-wondered.html"> I am a granny square hoarder. Yes, I have a problem. But the first step in getting better is admitting there is something wrong...addiction is the only disease people don't admit to having...all of that stuff.

Actually, I like making stuff and granny wee squares are no exception.

And look! THEY ARE IN /2010/11/my-secret.html">RAINBOW ORDER! Every single one of them. Totally RoyGBiv. We all know how /2011/08/oh-hey-i-have-free-time.html"> I love that. Seriously people, what is not to love.

Now comes the fun part of sewing them together and making all the little bits of yarn tails disappear. I am determined to finish before school starts up again in...oh...12 days. (Wow. What an ugly number.)

In other news, check out the other afghans. /2010/12/ive-been-told-i-have-pride-issues-but.html">THIS one I made.

This one (on my sisters bed) I bought at Goodwill last week for only $2. I kind of love it.

Yup. Definitely an addiction in the making. I'm sorry, I just love colors, yarns, and cozy blankets. Fall is coming. I will be ready!

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