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All MTN tariff Plans (Choose wisely)

All MTN tariff Plans (Choose wisely) - we should care about the technology that continues to grow, because all the technology is usually created to simplify our lives, every time there is a new technology that is embedded into the gadgets of various brands, on blogs Gadget Ferrari we will review the latest and old gadgets that start from the spec and the price ... well now we will discuss first about All MTN tariff Plans (Choose wisely) please refer to the information we will convey as we always try to display complete information.

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All MTN tariff Plans (Choose wisely)

This is all MTN tariff plans..   Go for the right one..

Call Rates on MTN: OPTION 1 (Best)
MTN Xtra Pro
Rate: 11 kobo per second (N6.6/min)
Usage: Flat to all networks
Conditions: N5 daily access fee (Charged only when you make the first call once a day or N12/min if you have insufficient balance)
Code to migrate : Dial “* 401# then select 1 ” or text 401 to 131
Code to check call balance on MTN: Dial *556#

OPTION 2 (Better)
MTN XtraSpecial
Rate: 15 kobo per second (N9/min)
Usage: Flat to all networks
Conditions: No conditions, no first minute, no daily access charge
Code to migrate: Dial “ *408# then select 1 ” or send " 408 to 131 "
Code to check call balance on MTN: Dial *556#

OPTION 3 (Good)
MTN iPulse
Rate: 10 kobo per second (N6/min) after first minute charge at 42k/sec
Usage: Flat to all networks
Conditions: N25 first min (Charged only when you make the first call once a day)
Code to migrate: Dial “*406#”
Code to check call balance on MTN: Dial *556#
Although this looks almost same as the Super Saver Plus below, the iPulse carries more VAS such as eligibility for some data promo

OPTION 4 (Good)
SmoothTalk Plus
Rate: 15 kobo per second (N9/min) after first minute charge at 40k/sec
Usage: Flat to all networks
Conditions: N24 first min (Charged only when you make the first call once a day)
Code to migrate: Dial “*401#” or send "401 to 131"
Code to check call balance on MTN: Dial *556#

OPTION 1 (Best)
EasyLife 4.0 Limited Edition
Rate: 11 kobo per second (N6.6/min)
Usage: Flat to all networks
Conditions: N5 daily access fee (Charged only when you make the first call once a day)
Code to migrate: Dial “*420*1#” or text “1” to “420”
Code to check call balance on Etisalat: Dial *232#
Code to know the tariff that you are on : *244*3#

OPTION 2 (Better)
EasyLife 4.0
Rate: 15 kobo per second (N9/min) after first minute charge at 40k/sec
Usage: Flat to all networks
Conditions: N24 first min (Charged only when you make the first call once a day)
Code to migrate: Dial “*620*1#” or text “1” to “620”
Code to check call balance on Etisalat: Dial *232#

Alhamdulillahi... Call us on 07035311650 for more info

so many information about All MTN tariff Plans (Choose wisely)

hopefully the infromation we provide with the title All MTN tariff Plans (Choose wisely) can give you the reperency to find the gadget that suits your life.

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