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[6.0.1][STABLE]_Resurrection_Remix_5.7.1 For Gionee M2

[6.0.1][STABLE]_Resurrection_Remix_5.7.1 For Gionee M2 - we should care about the technology that continues to grow, because all the technology is usually created to simplify our lives, every time there is a new technology that is embedded into the gadgets of various brands, on blogs Gadget Ferrari we will review the latest and old gadgets that start from the spec and the price ... well now we will discuss first about [6.0.1][STABLE]_Resurrection_Remix_5.7.1 For Gionee M2 please refer to the information we will convey as we always try to display complete information.

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[6.0.1][STABLE]_Resurrection_Remix_5.7.1 For Gionee M2

Resurrection Remix MM for MT6582 is an aftermarket ROM based on CyanogenMod 13/Marshmallow with lots of customization and at the same time packing a punch of performance. This ROM was compiled by Ajit Guraya from source for MT6582, ported by Admin2 for Gionee m2.

What’s Working :
Video recording in stock/snap camera is working with 1080P !
Audio in calls
SMS (Receive and Send both working)
RIL is now more stable
Dual SIM
Screen Recording
Both storages (SD and Internal) mounting in both Phone and PC
720P working in youtube
Bugs :
VPN (negligible)
auto rotation cm 13 bug , not much of a bother (should be fixed after next cm update )

How To Flash
-first of all put the ROM zip in the root of your SD card, (no folder at all)

-after which boot your device into CWM recovery

-after which navigate to wipe system>> wipe cache>>wipe dalvik

-now go back and navigate to the SD card to select the ROM and click on yes.

-after which you flash the rest zip files without wiping

Gapp Here

Credits :
Ajit Guraya

so many information about [6.0.1][STABLE]_Resurrection_Remix_5.7.1 For Gionee M2

hopefully the infromation we provide with the title [6.0.1][STABLE]_Resurrection_Remix_5.7.1 For Gionee M2 can give you the reperency to find the gadget that suits your life.

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